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The instructor Professor Kaiman Lee is totally fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Almost all classes are intended for Cantonese-speaking audiences. Instructions for Mandarin-speaking audiences can be arranged. Please contact info@studyhard-macau.com or call 853-6636 3800for schedules and requests.


講師李啟文教授完全精通英語,廣東話和普通話。 幾乎所有的課程都是為了講粵語的學習者而設的。

指導是可以為講普通話的學習者安排。 請聯繫 info@studyhard-macau.com

或致電 853-6636 3800 取時間表和作要求。


English Word Pronunciation


Professor Kaiman Lee, having done decades of research, has developed a proprietary method for English pronunciation. Using his method a student will be able to pronounce:

- from the most basic words: bus, mud, mom, dad, etc.

- to very long words: anthropophaginian 人類學家, 吃人肉者, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 太好了, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 矽塵肺炎, etc.,

- and to very challenging words: squirrelled (the longest single syllable word), euouae (only vowels), and crwth (only consonants).


- 從零基礎到最基本的詞:bus, mud, mom, dad, etc. 等,

- 到很長的詞:anthropophaginian 人類學家,吃人肉者,

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 太好了,

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 矽塵肺炎等,

- 以及具有挑戰性的單詞:squirrelled(最長單個音節的單詞),

euouae(只有元音的單詞)和 crwth(只有子音的單詞)。


here are hardly any memorizing to do, and no phonetic symbols to translate, but mostly intuitive and logical methods. The pronunciation method is analogous to fishing. Once you have learned how to fish you will be able to catch all kinds of fish, however different they may be.

幾乎沒有任何要死記的部份,也沒有要翻譯的語音符號,而是大多數是用直覺而邏輯的方法。 發音方法類似於釣魚。 一旦學習了捕魚方法,你將能夠捕獲無論它們 有多不同的各種魚類。

For every word, from the simplest to the very challenging, the same method is used to logically explain how it is pronounced. For illustration, English words are categorized according to their similarity in logic. There are over fifty groups of words for practicing, after which the students will not only understand how the method is applied, but also instinctively recognize the pronunciation. They are easy to understand, from simple to complex.

 從最簡單到最困難的每個單詞,都使用相同的方法從邏輯上解釋它的發音。 為了舉例,英語單詞是根據其邏輯相似性進行分類。 練習時有超過五十個 的單詞組, 之後學生不僅會理解該方法的應用方式, 而且還可以本能地識別 其發音。通俗易懂,由淺入深。


The complete course consists of many levels depending on English competency of the students.



A caution: Dr. Lee has no intention of teaching pronunciation for competition, but for everyday use of English.



16 Verb Tenses



Dr. Kaiman Lee has developed a graphical way to understand and apply the sixteen (16) verb tenses. The course consists of two (2) levels, each with three (3) classes of one (1) hour.

李啟文博士已經開發出一種圖形方式來理解和應用十六(16)個動詞時態。 該課程由兩(2)個級別組成,每級有三(3)個課程,每個課程一(1)小時。


3 Verbals


Dr. Kaiman Lee has also developed a method to understand and recognize the three verbals (Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles). With abundant number of usage examples, the students will be able to differentiate them from other similar words that are actually verbs. The course consists of three (3) classes of one (1) hour each.

李啟文博士還開發了一種方法來理解和識別三個變體動詞(動名詞,不定詞和分詞形容詞)。 通過大量的用法示例,學生將能夠將它們與其他實際上是動詞但相似 的單詞區別分開。 該課程包括三(3)個課程,每個課程一(1)小時。


English Conversation


Dr. Kaiman Lee will be delighted to host one-to-one or one-to-many English conversation sessions or classes. Some can be English-only classes. They can be pre-arranged or by special requests toinfo@studyhard-macau.com.

李啟文博士會很願意主持一對一或一對多人的英語會話或課程。 有些是可以是 僅用英語的課程。 它們可以預先安排,也可以通過特殊要求發送到 info@studyhard-macau.com。


English Metaphors


You can see the following samples of Prof. Kaiman Lee’s eNewsletter:


Epiphanic Insights 頓悟見解 Metaphors 隱喻, Proverbs 格言, Clichés 陳詞, Slang 俚語, Similes 明喻, Hyperboles 誇張詞, Idioms 慣用語, and Words 單詞

(to subscribe, please write to: kaiman_lee@yahoo.com) (要訂閱,請寫信至:kaiman_lee@yahoo.com) 


Dr. Kaiman Lee will be delighted to host one-to-one or one-to-many English Metaphors sessions or classes. The content is intuitive with illustrations, turning learning into a fun experience. They can be pre-arranged or by special requests to info@studyhard-macau.com.

李啟文博士會很願意主持一對一或一對多人的英語隱喻課程。 內容帶有插圖, 非常直覺的,將學習變成一種有趣的體驗。 它們可以預先安排,也可以通過 特別要求發信到 info@studyhard-macau.com。

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